Series Information

For many of us, grace is a concept we struggle with daily. How can God unconditionally love me? How can a perfect God declare me perfect? We definitely struggle to give grace, but it is even more difficult to receive.
Throughout time, mankind has often taken truths that were intended to be simple and have made them complex. Grace is one of those things. We have added to it. We have taken away from it. We can’t just simply accept grace without adding work and merit to it. Somewhere along the line, we feel like we had to earn it. This is never more true than within the church. Often times, the message of the church says, “Do this, and be good, and God will love you.” That is the exact opposite of grace. Grace is unearned, undeserved, favor and kindness.
Over the next four weeks at Boulder Mountain, we will spend time immersing ourselves in the Ephesians 2:1-10 passage, and we will wrestle with the truth, concepts and principles of grace. What is so amazing about grace? For some of us, this may be one of the most significant series we have ever done. Personally, this is a message and a passage that was instrumental in my life, and is a part of my story.