
Women's Ministry

Women’s Ministry at Boulder Mountain Church is focused on making connections, building relationships, and providing opportunities for women to learn from God’s word, grow to be more like Jesus, and serve others within our church and our community.

The mission of Boulder Mountain Church is to make disciples as we help people find and follow Jesus. We want every woman who visits Boulder Mountain to feel welcome and to feel comfortable bringing their questions about who Jesus is and what it means to follow him.

What is Women’s Ministry at Boulder Mountain?

Making Connections, Build Relationships, Grow and Serve with Boulder Mountains Women’s Ministry

Our Upcoming Events and Groups

Serve with Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry at Boulder Mountain Church is focused on making connections, building relationships, and providing opportunities for women to learn from God’s word, grow to be more like Jesus, and serve others within our church and our community.

Reach out with any questions, or interest in serving .

Keep Up to Date with the Monthly Women’s Newsletter