"The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" 
- Romans 6:23
"What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?" 
- Psalm 8:3
Had the world never ravaged my soul, and tattered it into shreds of a former existence, my heart may never have broken from its stoney mass so that God could swoop in and heal it all for me. 
I grew up in a church environment that was rather unaccepting and volatile--that taught incorrect and borderline heretical doctrines. I spent the majority of my adolescence and Adulthood being tormented by the demons of false religious beliefs, turning into someone who hated the very idea of a God. 
A year ago, my heart was broken into powder by the weights of the world and all that I endured for so long, I could no longer bear the burden. It was almost like a miracle, like a divine providence by the Almighty God Himself--there can be no other explanation for how I came to him. He pulled me towards church one day, and two weeks later I was baptized as a public declaration of my faith and devotion to Christ Jesus. 
I am afflicted deeply still, but now I have one of the most precious gifts that no amount of money could ever buy-- Hope. I rest my life in the very hands of the Creator of the Universe and all that abides within it; knowing that one day pain shall be but a distant wince and that an unbroken and eternal communion with my God will become my life. 
"It is good that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes" 
- Psalm 119:70
My life will never be the same, and for that I have but the Grace of God Almighty to thank for ever for that. 
-Hanna Eisenmenger

Tags: faith, suffering, pain

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