Series: Taming The Tongue

Jan 14, 2024 | DISCIPLINE - James 3:5b-11

January 14, 2024 | Kyle Glenn
Passage: James 3:5-11

Series Information

While our words can change someone’s life for the better, they can also destroy
relationships, break hearts, and discourage others. We are called to build one another
up. To be slow to anger and quick to listen. Grudges, rage and anger get us nowhere in
life, so we turn our tongues over to the power of the Holy Spirit.. What does the Bible
say about showing compassion and kindness? And especially loving and forgiving
others? In this series, we will address the serious issues of anger, bullying and even
marital conflict, and by God’s grace, learn to tame our tongues.

Other sermons in the series

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